EXHIBITION: Your Body Belongs To You, 18 April 2022 – 28 February 2023

Graphic with an image of an apple being eaten by a bee, and the words 'YOUR BODY BELONGS TO YOU' in white in the centre

© Marisol Mendez

On 18 April, YOUR BODY BELONGS TO YOU opens to the public. Showcasing almost 100 photographers, and over 200 images. YOUR BODY BELONGS TO YOU brings together women and non-binary photographers from around the world in a selected exhibition and promotes the future of photography through diverse and creative imagery. The outdoor exhibition site is in the centre of St Gilles Croix de Vie, an area that attracts thousands of visitors day and night throughout the seasons, making the exhibition accessible to all.

2022 is the fourth year Shutter Hub has showcased photography in St Gilles Croix de Vie, starting back in 2018 when we created ‘Because We Can!’ (because we could), a group exhibition showcasing almost 70 women photographers from around the world. In 2019 we created the main exhibition for Festival Pil’Ours 4th Edition, ‘Time to Think’, showcasing 145 women photographers from across 15 countries. In 2020, due to travel restrictions, ‘Time to Think’ had an encore and was revisited by thousands of people in the area. In 2022, we returned with Your Body Belongs to You, co-curated by Karen Harvey (Shutter Hub Creative Director) and Marisol Mendez (Shutter Hub member and photographer of MADRE), and hosted by Joséphine Leroux at Les Alizes.

YOUR BODY BELONGS TO YOU was originally scheduled to run from 18 April – 18 June 2022, was extended to 18 September 2022, and due to the positive response, has been extended (again!) to run until 28 February 2023.



The selected photographers exhibiting in ‘Your Body Belongs to You’ are:

Alice Castiglione, Anastasia Evdokimova, Anne Kalliola, Anneleen Lindsay, Adriana G Torres, Amanda Eatwell, Anna Laura Festa, Brittany Severance, Carli Adby-Notley, Chris Byrnes, Clair Robins, Claire French, Clare Thomas, Caroline Fraser, Charlotte Roger, Clare Park, Deb Leal, Dee Lister, Dayana Sharon Marconi, Diana Serban, Ekaterina Denisova, Elizabeth Brown, Elizabeth Woodger, Ellie Laycock, Eva Marschan-Hayes, Ella McManus, Emily Cannell, Ezgi Guler, Gemma Taylor, HeardinLondon, Heshani Sothiraj Eddleston, Hanne Castein, Irina Gryaznova, Jacqueline Ennis Cole, Jasmine de Silva, Jasmin Murray, Jaime Aelavanthara, Janet Lees, Jayne Lloyd, Jessica Burko, Jo Stapleton, Jocelyn Allen, Karen Harvey, Kathleen Bishop, Kathryn McGeary, Kerry Curl, Kerstin Niemoeller, Kimberly Poppe, Kirra Kimbrell, Lorna Campbell, Lydia Panas, Madeleine Waller, Marianne van Loo, Megan Bent, Mara Magyarosi-Laytner, Marina Anotoniou, Marisol Mendez, Molly Caenwyn, Naomi James, Nicola Gunwhy, Nuala Mahon, Nikki Goldup, Nina Maria Allmoslechner, Paloma Tendero, Parvathi Kumar, Phillipa Bloom, Rachel Nixon, Rachel Rimell, Radegonda Brode, Rosita McKenzie, Sandy Miles, Sara Hannant, Silvia Gentili, Susana de Dios, Sarah Callow, Sarah Ketelaars, Sonia Levesque, Sophie Ellen, Susan Bittker, Tiina Burton,Tanya McGeever, Tineke Montague, Tracey Sharpe, Vin Sharma, Zara Carpenter, Z White, Zula Rabikowska.


Find out more about the exhibition here.




Les Alizes (outside)
Boulevard de l’Égalité
Saint Gilles Croix de Vie

18 April 2022 – 28 February 2023

Exhibition open 24/7

Exhibition curated by: Karen Harvey and Marisol Mendez
Exhibition designed by: Tim Jukes



Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk

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