Shutter Hub are pleased to be able to offer Camera Amnesty Project Grants – awards of up to £500 to help towards photography projects that focus on matters surrounding humanitarian issues and social injustices.
Photographers can apply for grants for any of the following:
– To fund part of a larger project for a single photographer
– To go towards community and group photography projects
– To deliver workshops, skill sharing and training of others
– To create work for exhibition or publication
– Other creative ideas you may have!
Camera Amnesty Project Grants are for all genres of photography, not just documentary. We are looking for projects that will have a positive social impact, either on the participants or on the wider audience, and produce tangible results.
Applications are open to all Shutter Hub members. All applicants will be contacted within 30 days of submission with feedback and information about the success of their application.
This is an opportunity for Shutter Hub members as part of our community offering, which includes support and promotion of all members. If you’re not a member yet you can find out more about what we do and join here. We understand that not everyone’s circumstances allow for the annual membership fee and don’t want this to be a barrier to joining, so we have a number of memberships available at no cost in our membership bursary scheme. You can find out more about this here.
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk
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Not a Shutter Hub member yet? Join here for opportunities to promote your work online and in exhibitions, access selected opportunities, events, seminars and workshops, meet up and share photographic experiences, and become part of our growing community.