CLOSE UP: Amanda Eatwell – Downtime

Shutter Hub member Amanda Eatwell exhibits her largest ever self-initiated project to date, at East London Photomonth this November. Here she fills us in on why she stepped aside from her usual client commissions to undertake this project, Downtime. 


Downtime is the biggest project I have ever undertaken, and it has progressed way beyond the initial idea. As I began showing the project around, there was a call for more context, so I started ‘interviewing’ participants to add depth to their stories.

A spark of an idea first came to mind when photographing the higher ranks of a charity for a campaign. Trying to lighten the experience of having a portrait taken, we were making small-talk about their work, which wasn’t adding much vigour. Switching the conversation to ‘what did you do at the weekend’ brought people to life.

I have a keen interest in human behaviour, and liked the way people reacted when talking about things they were passionate about. It made me consider how people are easy to judge: you may know someone in a work context, but do you know what they get up to once they leave the office?  People are multifaceted, and I wanted to celebrate that.

I would say my work is thoughtful and questioning. I consider my practice as a complete journey. It is as much to do with the process as the final image.

I generally start with an initial idea, sketching an outline of the final shot. Some images will flit in and out of my head for weeks before I pick up a camera.  On shoot day the idea will be adapted based on restrictions of the space and opportunities presented by the subject and the light.

Photography is a lot about problem solving, and coming up with solutions gives me great satisfaction!

Downtime will be exhibited during Photomonth, from 16th -21st November, alongside Amanda’s mini-project, Hanami, at The Gallery at Republic, Capstan House, 2 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BE. See the full listing on ArtRabbit here.

You can see more work by Amanda Eatwell in her Shutter Hub portfolio, here.



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