To celebrate Shutter Hub’s 10th year, we’re inviting photographers to be a part of our online exhibition exploring the theme of ‘TEN’.
Hold your breath and count to ten… or don’t. We’re open to your interpretations, literal, metaphorical or nostalgic.
You might share something from your archive – what’s happened for you in the past 10 years? Moments you’d like to commemorate, some that you’d like to forget. A hidden message, an obvious revelation, multiples of ten, 10am, a ten-second idea or a ten-minute exposure.
TEN aims to showcase a range of creative and diverse images widely exploring the number ten, and what it means to you. The possibilities are endless.
In the run up to the exhibition, we’ll also be sharing submitted images throughout the call for entries on our social media and blog, so it’s worth entering as soon as you’re ready and making the most of it.
We’re making this opportunity affordable for all photographers, there are no set entry fees for TEN, we’re asking you to ‘pay what you can’. Please help support the work we do by sharing this opportunity with other photographers. We receive no external grants or funding, but we’re determined to do what we can to keep photography open to all.
You don’t have to be a Shutter Hub member to take part, but if you’d like to find out about all the benefits of being a Shutter Hub member, you can do so here.
Deadline: 11 April 2024 (5pm UK time)
Each photographer can submit up to 10 images. These can be from a series or individual images.
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk
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Not a Shutter Hub member yet? Join here to access exclusive member benefits including portfolio reviews, project grants, meet ups, commissions, exhibition and other selected opportunities, and to be part of our community!
Hold your breath and count to ten… or don’t. We’re open to your interpretations, literal, metaphorical or nostalgic.
You might share something from your archive – what’s happened for you in the past 10 years? Moments you’d like to commemorate, some that you’d like to forget. A hidden message, an obvious revelation, multiples of ten, 10am, a ten-second idea or a ten-minute exposure.
TEN aims to showcase a range of creative and diverse images widely exploring the number ten, and what it means to you. The possibilities are endless.
Please read the specification information below. Files that do not meet the specification or are not labelled correctly may not be accepted.
Please read the specification information below.
Deadline for entries: 11 April 2023 (5pm UK time)
Please do not leave your entry until the last minute, we cannot accept any late entries.
There are no set entry fees for TEN, but if you would like to make a donation to help us to make this happen you are very welcome to do so as part of your entry.
Each photographer can enter up to 10 images. Images can be from a series or individual images.
You don’t have to be a Shutter Hub member to take part, but if you would like to benefit from all the lovely stuff we offer, you can join here for just £87 per year.
All submitted files must be names with the photographer’s name and title of work. Files that are not labelled correctly may not be accepted. Correct file naming looks like this: lastname_firstname_titleofimage.jpg
- Images can be landscape or portrait format.
- Submitted images must be jpegs, 2000 pixels wide, 300ppi and no more than 5MB in size. Please submit images in sRGB colour profile.
- Images must not include visible watermarks.
- Please do not place multiple images together (such as diptychs or triptychs), please submit them as separate images. Please do not include captions or titles as part of the image, unless it is a graphic element of the image itself.
Each photographer can submit up to 10 images.
Images must be suitable for a family audience.
Shutter Hub reserves the right to not display work.
Please read the Terms and Conditions for further details.
Photographers retain copyright and ownership, as always.
We will let you know whether or not you have been selected within 8 weeks of the deadline. We always get in touch, so if for any reason you haven’t heard from us by this date, please email.
Any enquiries from interested parties with regards to sales or commissions will be noted and passed directly to photographers.
Shutter Hub reserves the right to display, reproduce and publish in any media any entry, without payment, for the purpose of the project and its promotion and publicity. Copyright remains with the originator and each photographer shall be deemed to warrant that they own the entire copyright in the work or that they have permission from the licensee and/or copyright owner/s for the uses and that all necessary model releases and clearances have been obtained. If relevant, insurance of the artist’s work is the responsibility of the artist. Shutter Hub reserves the right to refuse work that they deem to be inappropriate, offensive, or explicit.
Please make sure you read and agree with the above information before you submit your application. By submitting your application, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions and the information set out above.
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk