We’re very excited to announce the winners and highly commended photographers of the YEARBOOK 2022 awards!
Selected by James Allsworth, Head of Content at Alamy, to receive Alamy Platinum Commission for 1 year and a one-to-one stock photography business development session with James.
Winner: Fiona Russell
Highly commended: Angela Crosti
“‘The Leap’ struck a huge chord with me. I’m a father of two young boys and it’s a scene I’ve seen often during these last couple of years. This would make a great lifestyle stock shot; summing up life at home, keeping kids entertained, kids entertaining themselves and making fun with imagination. The light in this shot is beautiful, it feels natural, and there is a wonderful sense of movement in the image. It’s funny, endearing and a great family moment that could’ve just as easily gone completely unnoticed.”
Alamy is the world’s most diverse stock photography collection, they add around 150,000 images to their collection every day from thousands of photographers from across the world. Alamy supply images to customers globally, from magazine and book publishers to design agencies and marketers, they’re always looking for great imagery to enhance their projects.
Alamy work with over 100,000 photographers and aim to make it easy for you to work with them – it’s free to sign up, they don’t edit pictures on content and you retain full ownership of your photos. Since Alamy began, they’ve paid out over $200 million in royalties to photographers and the need for photography in our daily lives shows no signs of slowing.

The Leap © Fiona Russell
Selected by the UK BenQ team, to receive a BenQ SW240 photographer monitor.
Winner: Giuseppe Cipriani
Highly commended: Alberto Mesirca
“We love this picture as it captured everyone at what seemed to be their most relaxed and happy. A perfect place to unwind.”
BenQ Corporation is a world-leading human technology and solutions provider aiming to elevate and enrich every aspect of consumers lives. Set apart by the unique philosophy of ‘Because it matters’, BenQ is committed to empowering people to live better, increase efficiency, feel healthier and enhance learning through people-driven, innovation-fuelled products. For photographers, filmmakers and graphic designers, they build and develop professional monitors focusing on colour reproduction and technology, eye health and efficiency. The monitors allow you to work with ease, knowing that what you see is true to life, and your work output is of the highest quality.

The roman baths © Giuseppe Cipriani
Metro Imaging YEARBOOK AWARD 2022 – Selected by Steve Macleod from Metro Imaging to receive a twelve-month mentorship.
Winner: Sarah Ketelaars
Highly commended: Joanna Stawnicka
“It is often a challenge to decide on a winning selection, particularly when the quality of work is so high and diverse. I look for something that sticks in the mind; work that challenges and provides more questions than answers.
Sarah Katelaars work is visually ambiguous, it has a quiet assured pace, a space for reflection fuelled with vulnerability – Sarah has the ability to convey abstract emotion through her photography, it is thoughtful, poignant and I feel she is a worthy winner of this year’s award.”
“We are delighted to be able to partner with Shutter Hub by offering a twelve month bespoke mentorship where we will develop the individuals next career move. We will cover all aspects of practice to include developing network; marketing and social media; technical and process led discussion as well as contextual and conceptual one to one sessions. There will also be opportunities to interact with others on the scheme and we will produce a working portfolio in support of the mentorship.”

Plaits © Sarah Ketelaars
Newspaper Club YEARBOOK AWARD 2022 – Selected by Sarah Belfort from Newspaper Club to receive a £150 printing voucher for Newspaper Club.
Winner: Jillian Abir MacMaster
Highly commended: Stella Asia Consonni
“Jillian MacMaster’s vivid portrait of “Tata” (grandmother in Arabic) jumped out immediately. Tata stands illuminated at the centre of the image, peaceful and confident. I want to step into the scene and join her for a cup of tea in the garden – ideally in a similarly radiant orange dress!”
Newspaper Club helps everyone print their own newspapers. There’s no minimum order, 24/7 online ordering and fast delivery anywhere in the world.
Founded in 2010, Newspaper Club has printed over 22 million newspapers for some of the world’s most creative people and brands. All of their papers are either 100% recycled or sourced from sustainably grown forests and their printing press is powered by solar energy.

Gardening © Jillian Abir MacMaster
PhotoShelter YEARBOOK AWARD 2022 – Selected by Caitlyn Edwards, Customer Marketing Manager at PhotoShelter, to receive a PhotoShelter Pro Account for one year, which comes with unlimited storage (any file size or type) as well as over 100+ features developed specifically for professional photographers, including other delivery, storage and sales features.
Winner: Stella Asia Consonni
Highly commended: Giuseppe Cipriani
“I love this portrait – the muted but recognizable colors, the matching white t-shirts, the varying facial expressions and simple editing. It’s a powerful but quiet celebration of family and the bonds between generations. I’m especially drawn to the two adults’ body language, attention and strength against the innocence of the child looking off in the distance while perched atop his father’s shoulder. This photo serves as a sweet reminder that memories, especially with family, are created every day in the most simple and familiar of places. ”
PhotoShelter is the leading technology platform that helps photographers and creative teams unlock the power of a moment. Their tools and resources are designed and built for you. They aim to make it easy for you to present, store, sell and share your images so you can focus on what you do best.

David, Chris and Dean © Stella Asia Consonni
YEARBOOK is Shutter Hub’s annual directory of photographers, open to all photographers, whatever stage they are at in their career. Now in its third year, we received over 1600 images and we are showing at least one image from everyone who entered in this exhibition.
YEARBOOK showcases work from over 300 photographers from across the world in an online exhibition.
100 images have been selected to be included in this printed publication going out to industry specialists and agencies and five photographers will be awarded YEARBOOK Awards with prizes from our partners Alamy, BenQ, Metro Imaging, Newspaper Club and PhotoShelter.
YEARBOOK is a group show, promoting the skill and talent of photographers working now. We invite you to explore the gallery and the huge range of styles and subjects from photographers across the world.
If you are an editor, director, curator or someone who commissions, promotes or supports photographers and would like to receive a copy of the YEARBOOK 2022 printed publication, featuring 100 selected photographers, please register your interest by completing this form. YEARBOOK 2022 is available to order now for anyone who loves photography and beautiful printed publications, or if you are one of the featured photographers and would like a copy for your portfolio.
21 July – 31 October 2022
Order the printed publication here.
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk
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