YEARBOOK is Shutter Hub’s annual directory of photographers, open to all photographers, whatever stage they are at in their career.
Now in its third year, we received over 1600 images and we are showing at least one image from everyone who entered in this exhibition.
YEARBOOK showcases work from over 300 photographers from across the world.
100 images are being selected to be included in a printed publication going out to industry specialists and agencies and five photographers will be awarded YEARBOOK Awards with prizes from our partners Alamy, BenQ, Metro Imaging, Newspaper Club and PhotoShelter.
YEARBOOK is a group show, promoting the skill and talent of photographers working now. We invite you to explore the gallery and the huge range of styles and subjects from photographers across the world.
The images are sequenced alphabetically by surname. Due to the large number of images we received we have to limit the amount of images we are able to display, but every photographer has at least one image included. We encourage you to note down the names of the images and photographers that most catch your eye, you’d like to work with or commission, and find out more about their work by clicking their name, below the gallery.

The photographers exhibiting in YEARBOOK 2022 are:
Cathie Aalders-Taylor, Paula Abreu Pita, Jagdish Agarwal, Fern Leigh Albert, Wendy Aldiss, Sash Alexander, Alfaro Picco, Richard Alton, Lisa Anastassiu, Andreea Andrei, Gem Atkinson, Sadie Avard, Jooeun Bae, Fiona Bailey, Elizabeth Bakusov, Amber Banks Brumby, Steve Belasco, James Bellorini, Patricia Belson, Kieran Bennett, CJ Benninger, Chris Bentley, Balz Bietenholz, Charles Binns, Kat Bishop, Susan Bittker, Audrey Bizouerne, Sarah Blandford, Phillipa Bloom, John A. Blythe, Thomas Bohm, Krystal Boney, Patricia Borges, Johannes Bosgra, Georgia Bower, Emma Boyns, Ethan Bradshaw, William Brooke, Lewis Brymner, Stonewall Burk, Tyler A.W. Burke, Ken Buslay, Alexandra Buxbaum, Mark Cabot, Hannah Jane Campbell, Matteo Capone, Justin Carey, Zara Carpenter, Kate Carpenter, gettons (Tommaso Carrara), Julie Cassels, Chan Hong Yui Clement, Linda Chapman, Alice Chapman, Jennifer Charlton, Giuseppe Cipriani, Oliver Clarke, Ian Collins, David Colman, Stella Asia Consonni, Gabriele Conti, Marta Contreras, Joss Copeman, Roger Coulam, Renata Crespo, Michael Croghan, Angela Crosti, Paul Crudgington, Kerry Curl, Madaș Alexandru David, Olivia Dawson, Kelly De Preter, Erin Deleon, Ran Dembo, Cesca Diebschlag, Jason Dimmock, Ryan Dodd, Andrey Dubovoy, Pascal Durrenberger (pfdphotographie), Jakob Eckstein, Mark Eden, S Edmondson, Sophie Ellen, Osama Elolemy, 7thcenturypictures (Yahaya Ibrahim Eshun), Daniel Ferreres, Sarah-Jane Field, Adam Ján Figeľ, Erietta Ioanna Florou, Dean Forbes, Harry Foulkes, Caroline Fraser, Mimi Fuenzalida, Claudia Fuggetti, Jonathan Fussell, Alan Gignoux, Illia Girnyk, Monica Glerean, Hadash (Samuel Golc), J. M. Golding, Christie Goldstein, Nikki Goldup, Kat Gollock, Alberto Gonzalez, Edward Gorochowski, Kxeniia (Kseniia Grebennikova), Debbie Green, Karla Guerrero, Andrew Gurnett, Simon Hall, Fabian Hammerl, Sara Hannant, Sarah Harris, Sasha Havrysevych, Sara Hertel, Phil Hill, Nicholas Hodgson, Judith Hornbogen, Alexander Hoyles, pphn (PyaePhyo HtetNaing), Karollyne Hubert, Matt Hunt, Bee.H Photography, Martin Hurley, Melinda Hurst Frye, Steve Hyde, Lukasz Izdebski, Stuart Jackson, Christian Jago, Pia Jaime, Naomi James, Fernando Jiménez Fierro, Dannii-Jo Jones, Andrés Juárez Troncoso, Jurga Kalinauskaite, Ana Kapodistria, Andrew Keedle, Martin Kelly, Sarah Ketelaars, Rajaâ Khenoussi, Joe Kibria, Kirra Kimbrell, Tori King-Blake, Ray Knox, Valya Korabelnikova, Elli Kouthouri, Pavel Kricka, Jim Lambert, Dorsey David Land II, Robert Landau, Denise M Lawry, Jack Lawson, Ellie Laycock, Daria Lazo, Claire Sunho Lee, Janet Lees, Alessandra Leta, Nadine Levin, Victoria Li, Edita Liessner, Dee Lister, Brittany Little, Mónica Lleó, Celine Lundqvist, Jillian Abir MacMaster, Mltz (Juan Carlos Maltez), Antonina Mamzenko, Priyan Manivannan, Nick Mansell, Lea Mariella, Michael Marquand, Eva Marschan-Hayes, Kit Martin, Lesia Maruschak, Katherine Masters, Margarita Mavromichalis, Branden May, Colin McAlpine, Alison McCall, Harry McCallum, Geraldine McClure, Joshua McDaniel, Rose McDevitt, Tanya McGeever, Tia Ashleigh Mcintosh, Alberto Mesirca, Otto Monkhouse-Deverill, Tony Moore, Violeta Morano, Isla Morgan, John Morgan, Morton Moss, Josh Murfitt, Jasmine Murray, Tony Murtagh, Radhika Muthanna, Dai Nakamura, Royston ‘Stone’ Naylor, Márcia Nelsis, Richard Newton Photography, Xuan-Hui Ng, Michael Nguyen, Kerstin Niemöller, Rachel Nixon, Juan Obando, Kumi Oguro, Hannah O’Hara, Tracey Paddison, Lydia Panas, Toni Parham, Clare Park, Nicola Parry, Claudio Passalacqua, Kausik Paul, Gemma Pepper, John Perivolaris, Ann Petruckevitch, Chris Pig, Felix Pilgrim, Steve Pill, Vadims Pjatrikovs (PHOTOPORTRAYAL), Nathaniel Plevyak, Kathryn Polley, Érica Catarina Pontes, Stephen Power, David Priddis, Rino Pucci, Niamh Quigley, Tommaso Rada, Colleen Rauscher, Regina Ray, Lesley Redfern, Katherine Reiss, Madeleine Roberts, Astrid Robertsson, Clair Robins, Emma TS Robinson, Epha J. Roe, Grant Simon Rogers, Dibakar Roy, Mateo Ruiz Gonzalez, Fiona Russell, Ann Russell, Ken J Rutherford, Kertu, Lucy Saggers, Mathushaa Sagthidas, Pilar Sanchez Gomez, Andi Sapey, Claire Sargent, Fenton Savastano (Photoarkive), Genevieve Sawyer Males, Vittorio Sciosia, Anna Sellen, Ioannis Semitsoglou, Brittany Severance, Vladislav Shapovalov, Vin Sharma, Aurore Shirley, Nic Shuttleworth, Rakesh Sikder, Tessa Sinclair, Katarzyna Ślesińska, Amie Smith, Francis Specker, Jo Stapleton, Joanna Stawnicka, E.Strodl, Hans Stuessi, Florian Sydow, Jane Szabo, Theo Tajes, Siyi Tang, Aram Tanis, Sven Taubert, Sophie Taylor, Bradley Taylor, Nik Taylor, Edith Templeton, DMT (D. M. Terblanche), Liz Thomas, Tim Thompson, Viet Van Tran, Andreas Tratz Photography, Helen Turnbull, Giorgia Valli, Diewke van den Heuvel, Marianne van Loo, Snezhana von Büdingen-Dyba, Grae J. Wall, Madeleine Waller, John Walmsley, Louise Ward, Marco Warm, Clara Watt, Rachel Wegh, Glenn Welch, James Welch, Z White, Harry Wijsbroek, Gary Williams, Hubert Williams, Inessa Williams, Jake Williams, Natcha Wongchanglaw, Elizabeth Woodger, Torrance York, Benjamin Youd, D-MO (D-Mo Zajac), Gaby Zak, Xiaolian Zhang and Tox (Taha Zobid).
21 July – 31 October 2022
Order the printed publication here.
If you are an editor, director, curator or someone who commissions, promotes or supports photographers and would like to receive a copy of the YEARBOOK 2022 printed publication, featuring 100 selected photographers, please register your interest by completing this form. YEARBOOK 2022 is available to order for anyone who loves photography and beautiful printed publications, or if you are one of the featured photographers and would like a copy for your portfolio.
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk
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