© Helen McGhie
To celebrate the centenary year of women’s suffrage in the UK, The Royal Photographic Society is running a campaign to honour one hundred photographic Heroines and they’re inviting you to take part.
The heroines will be part of a landmark exhibition and receive a specially minted medal – the Margaret F. Harker Medal, Harker being the Society’s first female President and the UK’s first female Professor of Photography.
2018 is being hailed as the Year of the Woman, it marks the centenary of women’s suffrage in the UK and has seen significant steps taken to highlight women’s rights – from the #metoo and Times Up movements to increased awareness of the gender gap and global protests fighting for equality.
Through the Hundred Heroines initiative, The RPS is adding its voice to the global discussion.
You can nominate your photography Heroine via the below link. This could be someone who has inspired you, challenged you, used photography to highlight particular issues or has shown bravery or courage through their photography.
The Royal Photographic Society firmly believes that the campaign will redefine and realign the status of women in photography today. The global reach of the initiative will empower female photographers and showcase talent that might otherwise have been overlooked.
“If my grandmother and great-grandmother were able to come back and look at the world today, I think they would be heartened by much of the progress in women’s rights [ . . . ] However, they would also be spurring us on, highlighting how much we still have to do – given ongoing levels of gender inequality in almost all spheres.” Helen Pankhurst, Women’s Rights Activist & Great Granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst.
Make your nomination for a female photographer here and tell the RPS why she’s a heroine before the 26th September 2018.
Helen McGhie‘s image featured above is currently showing in Because We Can, Shutter Hub’s exhibition at Festival Pil’Ours, France, celebrating contemporary work by female-identifying photographers today.