© Kmar Douagi
NIGHT MOODS is an online exhibition project celebrating the creative possibilities of image-making when the sun goes down.
Whether you’re interested in seemingly mundane street scenes or evocative nocturnal landscapes, prefer a spot of astrophotography or maybe just enjoy experimenting with light trails, NIGHT MOODS aims to showcase the range of photographic expression available at night.
The night can be an incredibly suggestive time, with the darkness useful for creating mystery or an unnerving atmosphere. Scenes we overlook during the day often take on a fascinating new appearance at night, or you may simply be inspired by the romance of the colours in the sky in the moments just after sunset to create something beautiful.
NIGHT MOODS is curated by Shutter Hub member Justin Carey, who has been a key member of our community since our inception in 2014, when he showed some of his night images in the first Shutter Hub OPEN exhibition. In 2015 Justin set up his 200+ member night photography group, Everything Interesting Happens At Night, in London, which we gladly supported. And then in 2016 he shared his passion for night photography with our audience in Cambridge during the Shutter Hub OPEN, delivering a talk about the history and practice of night photography.
Justin is producing this exhibition as part of our Curate for the Community project, which will see the production of a series of online exhibitions, curated by Shutter Hub members for the wider photographic community.
View the full online exhibition here: NIGHT MOODS
Justin Carey talks about his experience curating NIGHT MOODS here.
Find out more about the NIGHT MOODS photobook and order a copy here.
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk
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