Emma Beckett: Conversations with Detroit Exhibition UK Tour

Shutter Hub member Emma Beckett is currently touring her exhibtion Conversations with Detroit in the UK. The project aims to open up a conversation about what Detroit city is really like…

Emma Beckett is a fine art, socio documentary photographer who creates narratives that reflect her organic approach to exploration of often contentious subjects. With a filmic approach and an inclination towards finding soul and spirit in seemingly devoid subjects.

The exhibition titled ‘Conversations with Detroit’ refers to the process that Beckett went through to create the work. The show is the culmination of a years research and investigation into Detroit city, Michigan, that began as a curiosity about the controversy surrounding Detroits Bankruptcy in 2013 and the tendency of the film industry to paint Detroit black. The proliferation of negative media that Detroit attracts made it the perfect subject to explore knowing that there is often beauty in chaos.  

After months of analysis, the rich culture of Art in Detroit inspired Beckett to begin interacting with Detroit artists to engage in conversations about what Detroit city is, the degradation and abandonment in the city, although haunting, has provided a rich environment for artists to be inspired and display a fiery passion for their city and the difficulties they face as Detroiters. This show is also a celebration of the inspirational people and creative vision that runs through the veins of the city. Art is everywhere in Detroit, ingrained into the architecture and the physicality of the cityscapes. 

The purveyors of urban agriculture in Detroit are changing the game both within the city and as a model for the rest of the world to look to as a sure sign of revitalisation and resurrection. Abandoned lots are being turned into city farms with communities all working together to create enterprises that feed the people and allow the youth and impoverished families to sell their produce on and make a small profit from their efforts. 

Beckett acknowledges and gives special thanks to the five inspiring Detroiters who guided her through their city and allowed her to celebrate their invaluable contribution to this subjective presentation of Detroit and pay homage to its cultural landscape and also extreme gratitude for the collaboration with creative writer Alex Allen for his unique personification of Detroit. 


Conversations with Detroit is currently at the Artizan Gallery in Torquay until Friday 20 May when there will be a talk by the artist with a Q and A .  After that the tour continues to Northampton University on the 27th May and then on to show at Free Range in Brick lane on Friday the 10th June.

Further tour dates will be added soon, and you can follow the tour’s progress on Facebook and WordPress.

You can see more work by Emma Beckett at her Shutter Hub profile here.



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