Shutter Hub Editions: Solo Photobooks

At Shutter Hub, we support creative photographers and provide opportunities for them to showcase their work through accessible exhibitions, publications and creative projects. We believe that everyone should be able to expand and grow their creative practice and we aim to offer opportunities without a cost barrier to entry.

We want to invest in photographers, back their work, and help to showcase and promote them to an engaged and interested audience. That’s why we are inviting creative photographers to apply for the opportunity to publish a Solo Book of their work through our publishing house, Shutter Hub Editions.

Shutter Hub Editions produces photobooks for people who love photography. Our books are available for sale through our web shop and selected stockists, and housed in the archives of the British Library, Cambridge University and other notable institutions.


Proposals by active members of the Shutter Hub community will be prioritised, so we encourage photographers to get involved with our other Shutter Hub projects, exhibitions and opportunities ahead of their application.

Proposals should be well-presented, detailed and thought out, and include a selection of images you would like to include in the publication. Attention and consideration should be given to the sequencing and presentation of the images.


Whether your submission is successful or not, we will email you no longer than 3 months from your original submission date with a response to your proposal.



Got any questions? Email us at

Join our mailing list for lots of good photography things direct to your inbox – our newsletters, calls for entry, updates on our work, and invitations to events and exhibitions.

Not a Shutter Hub member yet? Join here  for opportunities to promote your work online and in exhibitions, access selected opportunities, events, seminars and workshops, meet up and share photographic experiences, and become part of our growing community



We’re asking for entries from all photographers, no matter your background or education, but we would especially like to work with photographers who haven’t had the opportunity to produce their own book previously.


What should you include in your proposal?

One (1) Word document (.doc) including:

  • A detailed outline of your subject matter, project background, and your future plans for this work.
  • Why you think this book needs to be made, who the audience is, and how we will reach them together.
  • Why your work is a good fit for a Shutter Hub Editions publication.
  • Previous Shutter Hub exhibitions or publications you have been involved with.
  • Your CV and Artist’s Statement.

One (1) PDF document including:

  • a selection of images (no less than 20) in a considered, sequenced order.


The design and aesthetic of the book will be consistent with previous Shutter Hub Editions publications. Please consider this when applying, as final design decisions will be at Shutter Hub’s discretion.



Please read the specification information below and enter via the form on the next page.

This is an ongoing project, and applications will be reviewed regularly. Whether your submission is successful or not, we will email you no longer than 3 months from your original submission date with a response to your proposal.



At Shutter Hub, we support creative photographers and provide opportunities for them to showcase their work through accessible exhibitions, publications and creative projects. We believe that everyone should be able to expand and grow their creative practice and we aim to offer opportunities without a cost barrier to entry.

Through Shutter Hub Editions and our Solo Books, we want to invest in photographers, back their work, and help to showcase and promote them to an engaged and interested audience.

There is no fee to submit a proposal. If your proposal is accepted, we ask that you commit time to working with us, but final design and production will be carried out by Shutter Hub. There will be no production costs for the photographer. We will supply a proof copy for sign off, and 5 copies of the completed book.

The book will be promoted through our website, social media and newsletter, to our community, press, industry partners and our extensive network. It will be made available for sale through our web shop and selected stockists, and we will place it in the archives of the British Library, Cambridge University and other notable institutions.

Due to the nature of publishing and the high costs involved, Shutter Hub does not make a profit through the production of Shutter Hub Editions. If a profit is made, after design, print, production and re-seller costs are covered, we will pay 40% commission to the photographer.

Any enquiries from interested parties with regards to commissions, print sales or other opportunities that arise through the publication of Solo Books will be noted and passed directly to the photographer.



Please submit your written proposal as a word document, including all the details listed above, and a PDF document including a selection of images (no less than 20) in a considered, sequenced order.


All submitted files must be named with photographer’s name and title of work. Files that are not labelled correctly may not be accepted. Correct file naming looks like this: firstname_lastname_project_title jpg

Please read the Terms and Conditions for further details.

Photographers retain copyright and ownership, as always.



The book will be made available for sale through our website and our selected stockists. The photographer will receive 40% of the profit from all sales of the book, after production costs and re-seller fees.

Any enquiries from interested parties with regards to print sales or commissions will be noted and passed directly to the photographer.



Shutter Hub reserves the right to display, reproduce and publish in any media any entry, without payment, for the purpose of the project and its promotion and publicity. Copyright remains with the originator and each photographer shall be deemed to warrant that they own the entire copyright in the work or that they have permission from the licensee and/or copyright owner/s for the uses and that all necessary model releases and clearances have been obtained. If relevant, insurance of the artist’s work is the responsibility of the artist. Shutter Hub reserve the right to refuse work that they deem to be inappropriate, offensive or explicit.

Please make sure you read and agree with the above information before you submit your application. By submitting your application, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions and the information set out above.

Shutter Hub Editions: Solo Book Proposal
Please enter your professional name in its preferred format as this will be used to credit your photograph in all uses.


Websites and Social Platforms

Please include the full URL to your website(s) and social platforms.


Maximum file size: 10MB

Supporting Document

Maximum file size: 2MB

Have you produced a book before?

Further Information

Join mailing list?
Please confirm if you would like to join our mailing list for future updates. You can unsubscribe any time. Details are in our Privacy Notice
Terms and conditions

Please review the Terms and Conditions here.

Before submitting your form we recommend saving all your details as a Word document, along with a note of which images you submitted, for your records.

If you experience any errors while submitting your form please contact us at, including details of error messages, browser etc., so we can investigate this for you.
