As part of LOOK Photo Biennial Shutter Hub are teaming up with Open Eye Gallery to create a new exhibition for Open Source in their Digital Window Gallery.
Chapter 2 of LOOK Photo Biennial has two strands: Translate looks at how the overwhelming present can be broken down and better understood through photography, and Transition incorporates projects and talks that can give us the perspective we need to forecast and shape the future.
Reflecting on the themes of Translate and Transition, Now, for the Future asks, can we create a visual language that draws from the past, exists in the moment, and sets a positive course for the future?
Our perception of the world is influenced by our environment, our education, our history, and the stories we are told. Photography may be the most accessible and inclusive tool we have for communication. We can use it to share images that reflect on the world we live in, images that hold people together, encourage creative thoughts and provoke positive actions. The more we know and understand, and the more we find in common with others, the more likely we are to succeed.
Can we share something so magnificent and inspiring that it will enlighten people’s perspective on the future?
We are looking for the myths and fables of the now – will the stories we tell today survive to be the folklore of the future? And, could Now, for the Future be a visual handbook for emotional survival?
We’re inviting photographers to enter up to 10 images to be exhibited in Now, for the Future with Shutter Hub and Open Source at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool.
Now, for the Future will run from 01 – 30 November 2019
Exhibition Launch Event: 6-8pm, Friday 01 November 2019
Free Portfolio Reviews: 11- 3pm, Saturday 02 November 2019 (Booking Essential)
Developing a Career in Photography Talk: 4.30pm, Saturday 02 November 2019
Deadline for entries: 20 October 2019
There is no entry fee for this exhibition. Free entry for all Shutter Hub members and non-members. Once you’ve entered there are no further fees to take part if your work is selected. These conditions of entry allow exhibitors to save on print, framing and courier fees which we hope encourages wider participation in our international exhibitions.
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