© Judith Weik
At Festival Pil’ours – International Festival of Photography for Female Professional Photographers
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been invited to exhibit at Festival Pil’ours, Festival international de la photographie pour les femmes photographes professionnels, in Saint Gilles Croix de Vie, France.
Festival Pil’ours is an annual international festival of photography showcasing the work of female-identifying photographers from around the world. This year, a first for the festival (and for us!) Shutter Hub have been invited to bring a group exhibition of female-identifying photographers work to the festival.
The festival exhibitions will run from 8th July – 31st August 2018.
The outdoor exhibition sites are spread throughout the Pays de St Gilles Croix de Vie and attract thousands of visitors day and night throughout the festival. Organised tours, conferences with photographers and of course, the private view, make the exhibition accessible to all.
Why are we doing this? Because we can!
100 years ago the Representation of the People Act gave some women in Britain the right to vote. Throughout the years we’ve all benefited enormously from the revolutionary courage of those women. The inspiring and tireless work of many women and men, for women’s rights continues to this day.
At Shutter Hub we welcome the opportunity to reflect on this and to take pause to celebrate contemporary work by female photographers today. While we pride ourselves on inclusion, we hope our male readership and membership understand and supports us with this project. We need you beside us to champion the work of female-identifying artists. You can start by sending this to every female-identifying photographer you think should get involved.
It’s as simple as that. Work that embraces the motto of Because We Can! There are so many reasons why we can, and we want to see what you can do.
Following the festivals format we’ll be displaying work in the outdoors on large dibond aluminium panels. The selected images will be formatted in a design that looks like a traditional contact sheet. Each image will be 6x4in sized (inspired by the layout of the GIRL TOWN exhibition), with each photographer’s name under their image.
Each entrant can submit up to six images. These can be from a series or individual images. There is no upper limit to the amount of images we can exhibit at Festival Pil’ours. The deadline for entries is 5pm BST on Friday 1st June 2018
For more information and to enter, click here.