ANNOUNCEMENT: The Newspaper Club YEARBOOK 2020 Award Winner

Synchronised Swimming © Eva Watkins

We’re really pleased to announce the winner of the Newspaper Club YEARBOOK 2020 award is Eva Watkins, selected by Sarah Belfort from Newspaper Club. Eva will receive a £250 printing voucher for Newspaper Club and will also be promoted through Newspaper Club social media channels and their popular newsletter.


“At a time when everything feels unstable, Eva Watkins’ Synchronised Swimming series is a charming portrait of unity and poise. Not to mention a record of some seriously wonderful swimming caps! ” – Sarah Belfort



Synchronised Swimming © Eva Watkins

“The unique synchronised swimming group initially formed to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of Henleaze Swimming Lake, Bristol. Consisting of 80 mixed gender people, aged 11-76, they have created a space where strong friendships have formed, enabling them to share significant life moments with one another. This already positive bonding experience, submerging oneself in water releases Oxytocin, also known as the happy hormone, which is recognised to improve mental health.” – Eva Watkins



Synchronised Swimming © Eva Watkins

Visit Eva’s website here.


Newspaper Club helps everyone print their own newspapers. There’s no minimum order, 24/7 online ordering and fast delivery.

Founded in 2010, Newspaper Club has printed over 19 million newspapers for some of the world’s most creative people and brands. All of their papers are either 100% recycled or sourced from sustainably grown forests and their printing press is powered by solar energy.


With most of the graduate shows cancelled this year and uncertainty about when events of that size and nature will be able to go ahead, we started thinking about what these shows mean for those involved, and what they’re missing by not having them. In many ways they echo the ethos of Shutter Hub exhibitions – group shows of work by many varied photographers, promoted to the photography world, attended by industry experts, other photographers’ networks and potential employers.

At Shutter Hub we’re always trying to find ways to create opportunities for as many people as possible, so we came up with an idea that could have a positive impact for everyone, and not just for graduates…

We invited all photographers who wanted to promote their work to enter YEARBOOK. Whether they were recent graduates, self-taught, graduated a really long time ago, under 30, over 30, emerging, emerged or not even sure what emerging means. Entrants paid what they could, there were no set entry fees. Some entered a single image, some a series and some a whole portfolio. We received several thousand images and in the online exhibition we are showing at least one image from everyone who entered. 100 photographers selected to be included in the YEARBOOK 2020 publication, selected by judges from our partners BenQExposure Photography FestivalFujifilm Original Photo Paper and Newspaper Club and Shutter Hub creative director Karen Harvey. For their awards, each judge then selected a shortlist of 10 photographers from the full YEARBOOK 2020 online exhibition, featuring over 200 photographers. The judges were sent all images and information submitted by those shortlisted photographers to make their final selection.


If you are an editor, director, curator or someone who commissions, promotes or supports photographers and would like to receive a copy of the YEARBOOK 2020 printed publication, featuring 100 selected photographers, please register your interest by completing this form.


The YEARBOOK online exhibition showcases work from over 200 photographers from across the world. YEARBOOK is a group show, promoting the skill and talent of photographers working now. We invite you to explore the gallery and the huge range of styles and subjects from photographers across the world. View the full exhibition here.




09 July – 09 September 2020




The YEARBOOK 2020 publication is printed by: Newspaper Club.

The YEARBOOK 2020 Awards are supported by: BenQ, Exposure Photography Festival, FujiFilm Original Photo Paper, and Newspaper Club.



Not a Shutter Hub member yet? Join here  for opportunities to promote your work online and in exhibitions, access selected opportunities, events, seminars and workshops, meet up and share photographic experiences, and become part of our growing community…

Posted in: News
