Portfolio reviews can be life changing but also vulnerable encounters. This guide came about from years of experience and conversations with photographers around the world who want to know how to get the most of their work. We’re sharing our tips as well as stories from photographers we have worked with, plus a list of our favourite opportunities around the world to get your work reviewed.
We want people to be able to see the value in what they’re creating and make sure they make the most of it. Brilliant work is being made and we’ve got to find the paths to get that work in front of more people. We’re always looking for the opportunity to make something great happen from the portfolio review experience, and we’re hoping this guide will help you make the most of it as well.
Ready to book a portfolio review? Book an online portfolio review with Shutter Hub right now and start expanding your ideas and career.
Whatever stage of your photography journey you are we’ll be able to help you make new connections, find ways to get exhibited and published, and build your future in photography. It’s what we do!
Got any questions? Email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk
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