The ‘Best in Show’ winner of Photomonth's PHOTO-OPEN has been announced as Dougie Wallace. His work was chosen by public vote and he will be invited to attend the Sony World Photography Awards in 2015.
East London's famous photography festival has almost come to an end, but there are still some shows to see if you think you might have missed out! Check out this list below, and let us know if you pop along for a visit.
TOY STORIES V&A Museum of Childhood E2 9PA until 14 December
www.museumofchildhood.org.uk / www.gabrielegalmberti.com
LADYSCAPES Gallery 320 E2 0AG until 23 December
www.gallery320.co.uk / www.seanpines.co.uk
AROUND HALF MOON Half Moon Theatre E1 0ND until 2 January
CONSTRUCTING WORLDS Barbican Centre EC2Y 8DS until 11 January
STRIKE A POSE: Portraits from a Hackney Photo Studio Hackney Museum E8 1GQ until 17 January
PHOTOGRAPHER UNKNOWN Photochats at Chats Palace E9 6DF until 31 January
THE GREAT LONDONER Hoxton Hotel Holborn WC1V until 31st Jan
www.hoxtown.com / www.nicholasgoddenphotography.co.uk
FATHOM Four Corners E2 0QN until 31 January