John Walmsley

Jet fighter travelling at speed showing a vapour trail on each side and MachDiaminds in the exhaust jet stream.

John Walmsley

I’ve been a professional, freelance documentary photographer since leaving art school in 1968.  I’m the author or joint author of numerous books.  My work has been published in 1,000+ books worldwide and, in one form or another, is at the National Portrait Gallery, Tate Britain Library, the National Art Library at the V&A, the V&A Museum of Childhood, Liverpool Museum, la Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Library at the University of California, San Diego.  I like to take part in joint exhibitions, most recently in Sao Paolo, Tbilisi, London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Rome, France, NYC, Texas, Arizona, Los Angeles and several UK cities.

Mostly, I work on longer projects and with ordinary people.  Currently, I’m editing some of these stories as eBooks to be available on Amazon Books.

Recently, I’ve self-published two books of my work.  In 1979 I had a grant from the Scottish Arts Council to live and work on the Wester Hailes estate, Edinburgh.  The other, ‘Don’t Tell Me How to Run My Art School’, by John Walmsley & Claire Grey, is the inside story of the long student sit-in at Guiuldford School of Art in 1968 which led directly to students and staff being invited onto Advisory Boards at schools, colleges and Unis.  Both are available from my website.

Member of the National Union of Journalists and the Society of Authors


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