Debby Besford

A 20 year project about my (late) parents and there everyday lives

Debby Besford

Debby Besford is an established Documentary photographer, and Mentor who lives in Norfolk and works throughout the UK.

Her work showcases a rich and diverse portfolio of images specialising in, Editorial, and Documentary photography.

Her most recent work has been funded by the Arts Council England, titled, The Art of Roller Skating, A celebration of Great Yarmouth’s Skating Heritage, exhibited at PRIMEYARC Gallery, Great Yarmouth. Debby’s work has recently been selected for The Museum of Youth Culture, Collections and online shop. Highlighting, Mods and Break-dancers, Elvis impersonators and Music festivals. Other projects include, ‘209 Women’, Palace of Westminster and the Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool.

Debby’s work has been showcased for Photomonth and was represented by Shutterhub in Amsterdam and the Festival Pil’ Ours, St Gille Croix de Vie, France. Awards include, Finalist in the AOP Awards and LensCulture and Magnum Photography Awards, Honourable mention.

Clients include, The Arts Council of Great Britain, The Guardian and Independent Newspapers, The Wellcome Trust, Meridian Television, BBC and Channel Four, Getty images, Millennium Images and Plain Picture Library.



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