Andrew Keedle
Despite the first images in my portfolio being colour images I use Black and White film to make all my art work. The colour images are made using the Trichrome process which combines three Red/Green/Blue filtered B&W negatives to produce a resulting colour image. I find using and developing film adds joy to the whole process and the resulting images are better for it.
I use all formats of analogue film from 35mm through Medium to Large and Ultra Large format. The Ultra Large Format camera is a 7×17″ view camera which makes for wonderfully panoramic images. All negatives are scanned and processed digitally. From these I can then produce prints or digital negatives for Alt Process prints. Cyanotypes, Kallitypes and Platinum/Palladium.
Commercial work is made digitally with a focus on providing social media and web content for SME’s.
Locations: United Kingdom
Categories: Alternative process, Commercial, Fine Art, Landscape, Nature, Portraiture, Social, Sport, Still life