Shutter Hub announce a new exhibition due to take place in the wonderful surroundings of St Bride Foundation in Fleet Street, London. The building is a world renowned historical site strongly linked with the visual arts, and the theme of the exhibition will be The Transition of Time.
To enter, please email us at info@shutterhub.org.uk with up to three images for submission, the dimensions of the works (in cm), and the titles of each work. Please read the Application Information and Terms and Conditions carefully before entering. We will then contact you to let you know if you have been selected and with further details. Entry is open to Full Shutter Hub Members only and the deadline is 5pm on Friday 1st August 2014. The exhibition title is derived from this historical centre and the Industrial Revolution era artifacts still housed within it, but we are looking for a broad range of approaches to the brief, so think outside the box and give us your own personal response to the idea of The Transition of Time.
If you would like to enter but are not a Full Member, then you can register for Full Membership here. You will then be able to submit your work for all Shutter Hub’s UK exhibitions free of charge, as well as take advantage of the many other benefits of being a Shutter Hub member.
If you have any queries please feel free to contact us by email, or send us a Facebook message or a tweet. All applicants will be notified whether they have been selected or not by Tuesday 5th August 2014. Good luck!