© Dominik Scharf
Sometimes seen as superior to text, photographs are now a mainstay of how the media and the public understand events such as war, famine, and celebrity. Is what we see in the image the truth of the subject being photographed? If a single photograph of an event is taken through one frame, by one photographer and potentially filtered by one news editor, do you believe photographs can tell the whole truth?
Working together with the Sainsbury Centre in response to their installation, The Camera Never Lies: Challenging images through The Incite Project, photographers were invited to share their interpretations of truth through photography for this collaborative project, YOUR LENS, YOUR TRUTH.
“The photos on our phone have become the memory bank of our lives, remembering events and people through the images we have, dangerously blurring the line between photograph and real history. Seeing how photographers explore this theme through YOUR LENS, YOUR TRUTH portrays a wonderfully poetic look into these photographers’ minds.” – Jago Cooper, Director of the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts

The photographers exhibiting in YOUR LENS, YOUR TRUTH are:
Kathryn Audet, Patricia Belson, Andrew Brownsell, Alice Chapman, Athina Chatzidaki, Richard Chung, Allie Crewe, Tyler Duncan, Christie Fedorak, Dylan Garcia, Gettons, Tracy Harris, Jo Haycock, Suella Holland, Sarah Ketelaars, Kayin Luys, Virginia McArdle, JBE McLean, Trevor Nicholls, Jonny Nolan, Nicola Parry, Ann Petruckevitch, Oriana Jose Ramirez, Palak Rastogi, Clair Robins, Grant Simon Rogers, Dominik Scharf, Vin Sharma, Tessa Sinclair, Ren Slavin, Jo Stapleton, Nurlan Tahirli, Adam Victor, John Walmsley, Dominic Whiten, and Terence Wright.
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